Dezhou Btadrilltools Industrial co.,ltd

Deep-Hole drill series product

lathe & hydraulic product

Deep-hole Machine and Special Deep-hole Tools Manufaturers and supplier

Dezhou Btadrilltools industrial co.,ltd is a deep hole BTA DRILL HEAD,Deep hole drilling machine manufacturer and supplier of china deep hole drilling tools,we supply deep hole insert and guide pad of your need,and deep hole drilling machine price and BTA drill head price has great competitive.We have 30 years of deep hole machine and tools manufacture experience.

  • For inserts, we can provide Sandvik TYPE, T type, I type insert, as well as various domestic insert, guide pads and accessories.
  • For deep hole drilling tools, we can provide sandvik deep hole insert and s type BTA deep hole drill head, drill bar, deep hole honing heads, deep hole skiving and rolling head, deep hole gun drilling tools, etc.
  • Our Machine products mainly include deep hole drilling and boring machines, deep hole skiving and rolling machines, deep hole honing machine, deep hole gun drilling machine tools, and sell various conventional lathe, CNC lathes, machining centers, etc.
  • At the same time, we also provide oversea workpiece machining services.

Deep Hole Machine Products

We Now Offer Sandvik-Style Replacement Deep Hole Drilling Tools & Inserts

Hydraulic series product

hydraulic tube pulling machine
Handheld hydraulic rock splitting gun
Hydraulic Pile Breaker
hydraulic steady rest
hydrauic steady rest

Lathe series

Conventional pipe threading lathe
Conventional lathe
CNC lathe
CNC slant bed lathe

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